Collaborations on current projects
International collaborations
Prof. Tomas Ward, Dublin City University
Prof. Julie Duque, UCLouvain, Brussels
Dr. Laurence Dricot, UCLouvain, Brussels
Prof. Franziska Knolle, Technical University of Munich
Prof. Friedhelm Hummel, EPFL, Geneva
Dr. Pierre Vassiliadis, EPFL, Geneva
Dr. Estelle Raffin, EPFL, Geneva
National collaborations
Dr. Alexandre Zénon, CNRS Bordeaux
Dr. Marine Vernet, CNRS Lyon
Prof. Stéphane Thobois, INSERM Lyon & Lyon’s hospitals
Prof. Charles-Etienne Benoit, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Prof. Stéphane Perrey, Université de Montpellier
Dr. Ludovic Molle, Université de Montpellier
Dr. Maxime Billot, Poitiers Hospitals
Collaborations on former projects
International collaborations
Prof. Paul Cisek, Université de Montréal, Canada
Prof. Rich Ivry, UCBerkeley, USA
Prof. F. Verbruggen, Ghent University
Prof. Robert Hardwick, UCLouvain, Brussels
Prof. Sylvie Norazadan, UCLouvain, Brussels
Prof. André Mouraux, UCLouvain, Brussels
Dr. Michael Andres, UCLouvain, Brussels
Dr. Frederic Crevecoeur, UCLouvain, Brussels
Prof. M. Boisgontier, University of Ottawa
Prof. Ignasi Cos, University of Barcelona
National collaborations
Dr. David Thura, INSERM Lyon
Dr. Ruffin VanRullen, CNRS Toulouse
Dr. Andrea Alamia, CNRS Toulouse